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Statistics is the science that enables us to comprehend the world through the exploration and analysis of data and the probabilistic modelling of uncertainty. Statistics stands as a fundamental tool capable of converting data into information and supporting decision-making processes. In our modern society increasingly pervaded by change and by the availability of large amounts of data (Big Data), Statistics plays a transversal role with respect to all the other disciplines where data plays a pivotal role in the knowledge formation process. Its applications span from Economics to Medicine, from Social Sciences to Physical, Biological, and Natural Sciences, up to Engineering.

The three-year bachelor’s degree program in Statistics aims to educate graduates with the typical skills of a Data Scientist. This includes proficiency in quantitative analysis of real-world phenomena, encompassing data collection and processing, data analysis and modelling, and critical interpretation. The degree program consists of fundamental theoretical courses in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Methodological Statistics, together with specialized courses that focus on the practical applications of Statistics across various fields of knowledge. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of specific programming languages and software for data analysis. Throughout the course, students can undertake internships with companies and public organizations.

Cover image

Orario Lezioni. Inizio lezioni  del secondo semestre a.a. 2024/25: lunedì 24 febbraio 2025

Premio Legacoop Toscana. Bando di concorso per le migliori tesi di laurea triennale sulla cooperazione. Scadenza 31.05.2025

Servizi Studenti. Informazioni utili

Rimborso parziale delle tasse. Studenti immatricolati ed iscritti

"La scelta dei corsi". Tratto dal Corriere della sera 25/02/19



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